A "WOO WOO" Spirituality Program,
with tarot cards, crystals, bongo drums, religion, quantum physics or any other mystical shit. If the book "the secret" is on your bookshelf, then click off now.

A Psychedelic Experience
or a potentially life-threatening trip to connect you to a so called
"higher power"

OR ARE:A very SPIRITUAL MAN, looking to do "SHADOW WORK"
or spend a lot of time diving deeply into the past.
If you are not intending to become a forward thinker this isn't going to work for you. Only a very small portion of shadow work is actually useful. Why? Because it focuses too much on the past and is "problem seeking" - look out for my video on this topic.

Many of my concepts contradict mainstream religious views, so you're going to have a hard time.

If this is you, it tells me that you have chosen the easiest path in life and likely struggle with focus and motivation. So unfortunately, doing this program will be too painful for you.

A man who is or wants to be a MINIMALIST
I want to help you get the maximum out of life, and you can't do that with a minimalist mindset.
If #vanlife is your favorite hashtag, you certainly WONT like me.

A man who is questioning his SEXUALITY
I don't cover any topics on this, so this program is NOT for you.

A man that's looking for a CHEAP WAY to fix an EXPENSIVE PROBLEM.
If you don't have a few thousand dollars for something that will clearly help you,
you must not think you're worth it.

SO THIS INCLUDES:A man with a crippling amount of INNER TRAUMAS.
This isn't therapy.
Everyone has some trauma; it's part of being human. But if you haven't got some level of emotional stability, then this isn't for you.A broken man with a "FIX ME" ATTITUDE.
I can show you the door, but you have to walk through it and do the work.
If you're not ready to withdraw from your current identity in order to adopt a new one, I can't help you.A man that is an EXCUSE MAKER
Who won't do the homework and who consistently questions the methods and theory, instead of simply doing the homework.A LAZY MAN
If you think you will still have plenty of leisure time, and just passively engage in the work,
this isn't for you.
You'll fall behind quickly if you don't commit a lot of your spare time.
This also applies if you're aDEDICATED hardworking man that currently has a HEAVY WORKLOAD. (if this is you I respect you, but you'll have to reduce your workload before we can work together)A man who is not ready for hard work and to be BRUTALLY SELF HONEST,
You'll need to put aside short term feelings, in order to address the actual problem and to work through it.
If you're a snowflake, you're going to have a hard time.A man who CONSISTENTLY COMPLAINS.
If you have a deep-rooted VICTIM MENTALITY, please do not apply.A man who CANT FOCUS.
You're going to have a lot of homework.
If you haven't deleted all your games and social media apps and addressed some of your distractions,
then obviously you're not serious about change.
I reject far more people than I accept,
because most people are NOT a good fit.For me, it's not about who has the most money or who says they want it the most.
It's about working with men who are truly dedicated to getting results, who will follow instructions, and most importantly,
be enjoyable to work with!I want to see you actually win!
Winning isn't for everybody!If you're a deeply-rooted lazy procrastinator or struggle to maintain focus, then this is not for you.
Read my free eBook to change this.For those of you that are still here,
you're likely a good fit if:1. You're dedicated and committed.
Working with me isn't free or cheap, but it's way cheaper than doing it on your own.
I work exclusively with men who will do
whatever it takes
to get this area of their life handled.I'm 100% dedicated to your success however
You also need to be 100% dedicated to doing what it takes to succeed.2. You're coach-able.
There will be times when I tell you, "You need to do this," and you need to be ready to listen and take action if you want to succeed.
If you're only "flirting with the idea of change", then this isn't going to work.
Also there will be times that I will be hard on you.
I'm doing this for your best long term interests.
I don't care about your short term emotions, but I do care deeply about your long term RESULTS.3. You trust me.
If you think you know more than every expert out there or have a narcissistic, self-sufficient trait, then please do not apply.
However, if you trust me and my process, to mentor you towards your goals, then apply.I'm committed to your success, and together, we can achieve great things.

If you're ready to make a change and are dedicated to putting in the necessary work, I'm here to support you every step of the way.Apply now and let's embark on this transformative journey togetherbyCLICKING THE LINK BELOW